Actors of all performing arts groups have the least exposure to music compared to the other groups. On the other hand hearing screening should not be underestimated on this group. Many famous actors have spoken publicly about their hearing difficulty or hearing disorders.
What problems may occur for actors
Difficulty attending the director
They may have to ask other colleagues to repeat.
Difficulty in perceiving the voice e.g. timbre or other elements of the voice
In case of high frequency hearing loss, it is more difficult to understand female voices
They may increase the volume of their voice, resulting in strain on their voice
Tinnitus and other hearing disorders may occur
Directional difficulties may occur especially in unilateral hearing loss
The aim of the visit is
Prevention. Hearing screening is important for an artist because it contributes to the longevity of their career. It always depends of course on the problem that exists.
Management: In the case of hearing loss or hearing disorders there are solutions
Consultation : In order to improve the quality of their life and to have better cooperation with other colleagues (work better with other colleagues in working environment)