Singers can be divided into the following categories (although this is not the only way to group them).
classical singers (lyric singers)
musical theatre singers
non-classical singers (art, pop, rock, metal, folk singers)
singers of all or part of the above categories
The singers are exposed to music from:
The sound produced from the group
The sound produced from choir
And The sound produced by the orchestra
It is important to mention that the sound produced by a soprano’s voice is about 105-110dB with a peak that could be as high as 118dB! This sound is equivalent in volume to the sound produced by an airplane turbine (not during take-off or landing).
Singers can also suffer from hearing loss or hearing disorders as well as musicians.

Impact of hearing disorders on singers
the singer might think that his/her voice is dull
the singer should increase the volume of the monitors to hear more clearly and this leads to greater hearing loss
other musicians complain that the volume is too high on stage
the singer is out of tune